Broken Arrow Children's Photographer | Tatum | One

  I always love getting to photograph this family! We had a beautiful evening for a photo session. It was so cute to watch these sweet sisters interact and I love the shots we got of Tatum's big sister with her horse, Apple Jack. I can't believe that Tatum is already One! Here are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Mommy & Me Mini Sessions | Tulsa Photographer

  With Mother's day less than a month away are you trying to think of the perfect gift? I will be offering Mommy and Me mini sessions this May for a chance to give a gift that will last a lifetime. Perfect for mother's of all ages! For more information or to book your session email

Tulsa Senior Photographer | Tyler | Broken Arrow High School Senior

I enjoyed meeting Tyler and his parents downtown for his senior session last weekend. Tyler is a senior at Broken Arrow High School and will be heading off to OU in the fall. Here are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Tulsa Family Photographer | The Williams Family | Henry 3 months

Little signs of spring are popping up and I am so excited to be outside shooting again! This sweet family had perfect weather for their session. Three month old Henry was looking awfully dapper in his outfit! Here are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Henry is a part of my baby plan program to find out more about it email

Tulsa Baby Photographer | Rafe is ONE!

Another CLP Baby Plan client has turned one!! Rafe is such a sweet little guy!  Wow, how he has grown!! He loves ducks (as in Duck Dynasty) and books so I knew we needed to incorporate those things into his session! Here are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy!

At Rafe's newborn photos we did a picture of his daddy holding him with this tie on. One year later, in his dads arms with the same tie. He has grown SO much!

Tulsa Baby Photographer | Harris 9 months

  I love getting to see Harris every three months! This month just happen to be his 9 month milestone so Peacocks and Peonies came over to work up a little Valentines set just for him. I can't believe that we will be doing his one year session so soon! Here are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy!

To inquire about Baby Plan Packages for documenting your babies first year of life contact me at