Barrett and Gracie | Tulsa Children and Baby Photographer

I absolutely adore these sweet little ones! Barrett is about to turn 2 in October and Gracie just turned 6 months old last month so it was time for some new pictures! I had a great time chasing Barrett around all over the place and Miss Gracie could not have been more precious! She definitely made it evident that photographing a 6 month old is a lot easier than photographing a 2 year old  :) Here are a few of my favorites that I've come across so far! Enjoy!

Little baby rolls... :)



Garrelts | Tulsa Family & Maternity Photographer

The Garrelts family met me this past weekend early in the morning to try and beat the heat. You know its hot when 90 degrees at 7:45 is beating the heat! Despite the heat we were able to get some great pictures of their growing family. They will be welcoming a new baby boy into the world in September! Enjoy!