Blair | 1 year | Tulsa Children's Photographer

Here is Miss Blair! I have had the privilege of photographing her throughout her first year of life. It is such a fun thing for me to watch her grow up in front of my camera. That is one thing that I love most about being a photographer of little ones! It is just amazing to see how much they grow and change between our sessions! Below are a few of my favorites of this precious girl! Enjoy!

Nathan & Brooke | Tulsa Wedding Photographer

Nathan and Brooke were married at NSU Broken Arrow on a warm sunny day. What a fun day it was! These two could not have been more excited to get married!  They were adorable. I enjoyed so much being around their incredibly fun bridal party and family. It was truly a beautiful day. Many blessings on your marriage. Here are just a few of my favorites from the day.

Jacob | 9 months | Tulsa Family and Baby Photographer

I had the pleasure of photographing the Garrelts family again. This time the focus was on Jacob who is now 9 months old (although we had to get a few family photos and a couple of big brother Brody). It was so fun for me to see how much he has changed since I saw him for his 6 months pictures in March. Here are a few of my favorites! Enjoy!

Emerson | 7 months | Tulsa Baby Photographer

I know as I was editing these that I was just smiling away at my computer. That's how infectious this little precious ones smile is! Emerson was all smiles the WHOLE time we took pictures! The last time I saw Emerson she was just a newborn so to see her on the move with such a personality was so fun! She is truly a beautiful reflection of her precious parents! Looking forward to watching you grow up miss Emmie! Enjoy a few of my favorites!

So very happy!