I have known this sweet family since before they were a family. :) I went to school with Bonnie and met Preston through her when they began dating. They are simply precious together and have such beautiful and amazing girls! I was so fortunate to have their oldest daughter, Aubree, in my first grade class a few years ago and to hug Emma in the halls. I had so much fun taking their pictures! Apparently this was the first time as a family they have had pictures done so I was truly honored to be the one to photograph them! Here are a few of my favorites from their session. Enjoy!
Tulsa Family Photographer | Cole Family
I love my clients! It had been about two years since I photographed the Cole family last. They are always so much fun! Here are just a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!
Tulsa Baby Photographer | Ian One Year | Cake Smash | Baby Plan
Another one of my Baby Plan clients has graduated. I am always so thankful for the opportunity to capture a babies first year of life but also so sad when it's over! I have loved seeing Ian every three months and seeing how he's grown. We had some fun with his one year pictures this time with a few fabulous rentals from Peacocks and Peonies. Ian wasn't so sure about the cake smash but I sure loved the look he had on his face! Here are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!
Tulsa Baby Photographer | Sterling | One Year Cake Smash
This precious girl has got a lot of cute parties/photo sessions/events to look forward to in her lifetime! Her mommy AKA www.peacocksnpeonies.com worked so hard to get the perfect set together for her session, although, for her it's a piece of cake! Sterling has been so much fun to watch grow this year. I've loved photographing her every three months and seeing how much she has changed and all the fun stages that go along with that first year of life! Below are a few details and a few favorites from our session!
Tulsa Family Photographer | Jones Family
My sweet friends, this beautiful couch, and a perfect field.
Tulsa Baby Photographer | Ryder ONE year | Baby Plan
I have had the privilege of photographing Ryder multiple times in his one year of life. It has been so much fun to watch him grow and see his personality develop! Thanks Ryder and family for allowing me the opportunity to capture this precious time! Here are a few of my favorite pictures from Ryder's one year session. :) Enjoy!
Tulsa Newborn Photographer | Campbell | Baby Boy
I loved photographing this precious baby boy and his family! Below are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!
Tulsa Baby Photographer | Lincoln | 9 months
I had the pleasure of photographing baby Lincoln. He is such a sweet little guy!! He wasn't so sure about all these pictures but we were able to snap some great shots through the tears and even got some adorable smiles as the session went on! Here are a few of my favorites from our session! Enjoy!
Vintage props & Styling: Peacocks and Peonies