Tulsa Maternity & Family Photographer | The Chandler Family | Expecting

  I enjoyed meeting this sweet family last week! It was a rainy and WINDY evening. Luckily the rain held off for their session but the wind was brutal. We stuck with it and got some cute shots of their growing family. I can't wait to meet their little boy coming this summer!! Here are a few of my favorites from their session! Enjoy!

Jenna, you are beautiful!

Tulsa Children's Photographer | Luca | ONE

It's hard to believe it has been a year since I took Luca's newborn pictures! It has been so fun to watch her grow this year! She is such a sweetie! We went downtown for her one year photos and found some perfect little spots to really make her blue eyes pop! Here are a few of my favorites from our session! Enjoy!Luca is a Baby Plan graduate. To find out more about Baby Plans contact catielawrencephotography@gmail.com



Broken Arrow Children's Photographer | Tatum | One

  I always love getting to photograph this family! We had a beautiful evening for a photo session. It was so cute to watch these sweet sisters interact and I love the shots we got of Tatum's big sister with her horse, Apple Jack. I can't believe that Tatum is already One! Here are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Lawrence Family | Family & Newborn Photographer

I made a quick trip down to Abilene to snap some family pictures for my brother in law and his sweet family since the arrival of their newest little babe, Bea. It was super fast but we managed to get a few pictures and a couple of newborn shots of Bea on her own. I'm just positive that I have the cutest nieces around! Here are just a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Mommy & Me Mini Sessions | Tulsa Photographer

  With Mother's day less than a month away are you trying to think of the perfect gift? I will be offering Mommy and Me mini sessions this May for a chance to give a gift that will last a lifetime. Perfect for mother's of all ages! For more information or to book your session email catielawrencephotography@gmail.com