Time flies! Seems like I was doing Nathaniel's newborn portraits just a few days ago. Here are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy!
Time flies! Seems like I was doing Nathaniel's newborn portraits just a few days ago. Here are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy!
Check out little Linc! Love those big blue eyes! He is such a cutie! Here are few of my favorites. Enjoy!
I had to get one of big sister by herself too!
These big blue eyes had me from the get go! Travis was such a happy boy during his session! He is such a cutie! Here are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy!
My usual time frame to take newborn portraits are between 5-10 days of birth but sometimes circumstances don't allow that. This precious baby boy was in the NICU for about 5 weeks so by the time he came to see me he was nearly 6 weeks old. He was still a great little sleeper and seemed to love the nighty night pose the most. :) He has such sweet parents and a great big sister who love him so much! Here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!
Henry is 6 months old! We met up super early to beat the summer heat and were successful! Henry has grown so much since I saw him at 3 months. I especially love how his cute red hair has really come in thick. :) Here are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy!
Sweet baby Annabelle is such a doll. Just like her brothers newborn sessions we did all of these outside at their family farm, Endicott Farms. She slept so well and even gave me a few smiles. :) Here are a few of my favorites from her session. Enjoy! :)
Such big smiles from these sweet big brothers! :) They love their baby sister!
Precious baby Jakob! He was so much fun to photograph. So very sleepy! Below are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy! PS-Get a load of his long lashes!
I got to start my week with this precious baby boy last week. He is just absolutely perfect! His daddy is a firefighter in Tulsa so we incorporated that into his session. Who knows, maybe he will follow in his daddy's footsteps. :) Here are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy!
Kisses from big sister!
Sweet smile!