The Oligschlaeger Family | Tulsa Family Photographer

My how this family has changed in the last year! I photographed them last fall when they were only a family of 3 and little Mackenzie was only 9 months old. Now they have added a new little boy, Colin, to the mix and he is precious! Here are a few of my favorites! Enjoy!

The Riffe Family | Tulsa Family Photographer

I love this family! The Riffe's were my first 'real' clients!  I am lucky to have a few clients who know the owner of this property to let us come out and use has become one of my favorite spots! The girls were pretty impressed with the swan's (which we had to talk to) and the swing so we made sure to take time to play. Below are a few of my favorites! Enjoy!

Love this orange chair!

The Wingerter/Blankenship Families | Tulsa Family Photographer

This session is a product of a Catie Lawrence Photography Gift Certificate (they make great Christmas gifts)!  You may recognize the Blankenship family from some previous sessions on my blog. They have been some of my biggest fans and I am forever grateful for the encouragement and support they have shown me! The morning we all met could not have been more perfect and the trees were all starting to change to their vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows. Below are a few of my favorites!

The McKinney Family | Tulsa Family Photographer

Here are my precious niece and nephews!  We seem to have a difficult time getting a picture where at least one of them is not cracking up (but I love those too)! Below are just a few of my favorites! Enjoy!

We couldn't leave Sherlock out!

This one makes me smile!

We had to get a few with The Organic Bloom frame and chalkboard!

What little girl doesn't love twirling in a cute dress? *Sigh* oh memories!

Love, love, love these kids!

The Cole Family | Tulsa Family Photographer

Here is the Cole Family! We ventured downtown and took some pictures in a few of my new favorite places! Victoria was great at assisting me and loved telling her family where to stand/sit and how to pose (she may be 7 but she knows what she wants)! I think I may need to hire her for future sessions ;) Enjoy!

"Mrs. Lawrence, can we sit on this bench and take a picture?"

Go Pokes!