In June we headed to Florida for a trip with my in-laws. We had a nice relaxing vacation with plenty of time spent at the beach and by the pool. It was wonderful. One evening we gathered our khaki and white and headed to the beach for some family pictures. With a tripod in hand we set up shop and snapped a few. Here are some of my favorites. Enjoy!
Blair | 1 year | Tulsa Children's Photographer
Here is Miss Blair! I have had the privilege of photographing her throughout her first year of life. It is such a fun thing for me to watch her grow up in front of my camera. That is one thing that I love most about being a photographer of little ones! It is just amazing to see how much they grow and change between our sessions! Below are a few of my favorites of this precious girl! Enjoy!
Jacob | 9 months | Tulsa Family and Baby Photographer
I had the pleasure of photographing the Garrelts family again. This time the focus was on Jacob who is now 9 months old (although we had to get a few family photos and a couple of big brother Brody). It was so fun for me to see how much he has changed since I saw him for his 6 months pictures in March. Here are a few of my favorites! Enjoy!
Kaiden | 2 years old | Tulsa Children's Photographer
Meet Kaiden! The first thing his mom said to me was "I hope you have your running shoes on." She wasn't kidding! Kaiden was full of energy! I had a great time chasing him around with my camera! Below are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!
I had to get a few action shots!
The Ogden Family | Tulsa Family Photographer
Such a precious family! I really enjoyed photographing them for the first time! The little ones are'll see! Below are a few of my favorites!
Addilyn | Tulsa Children's Photographer
Just a few of my sweetie pie niece!
Garrelts Family | Tulsa Family Photographer
This family is precious! I had a great time taking their boys photos! Brody (3), their oldest even brought his camera so he could help me take some of his little brother, Jacob (6 months)! He was such a great helper! Here are a few of my favorites!
Emerson | 4 years old | Tulsa Children's Photographer
My precious niece came to the studio today to have her 4 year pictures done! She is just too much fun! She loves trying on and modeling all her outfits! She even had a few leopard accessories (a girl after my own heart)! Here are a few of my favorites!