Tulsa Newborn Photographer | Nathaniel | 10 days old

I loved meeting little Nathaniel! He was so sleepy and just precious! His original due date was Valentine's day but he decided to come early. I'm looking forward to watching him grow this year as he is part of CLP's Baby Plan Package! Here are a few of my favorites from his session. Enjoy! :)

Here is a look back at his parents maternity session from a few weeks before.

Tulsa Children's Photographer | Valentine's Mini Sessions 2014

  I had such a great time with all of my Valentine mini participants this year! Thanks to all who came out! And a huge thank you to Peacocks and Peonies for the amazing backdrop and adorable mailbox so the littles could mail their love notes!  ;)

Tulsa Newborn Photographer | Addison | 11 days old

I had a wonderful time capturing beautiful baby Addison and her precious family! Enjoy!

Lincoln | ONE | Tulsa Children's Photographer

Valentine Mini Sessions | Tulsa Children's Photographer

Valentines day is just around the corner.
 I'm so excited to offer Valentine mini's again this year!
Here are few things you will love about these Valentine mini's:
-Quick 20 minute session (January 24th or 25th)
-Cute valentines backdrops/props
-Owning your photos (5-10 digital images)
-An affordable price ($125 + tax)
-Prints and wallets (perfect for handing out to teachers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and maybe even passing out to classmates!)
-Some really cute photos of your littlest loves
To book your session date/time or for questions please email me catielawrencephotography@gmail.com