Tulsa Maternity Photographer | The Jones Family

  I really do love how clients become friends! When I photographed their wedding a few years ago little did I know we would soon be attending church together and in the same community group! They have been such a blessing to our family and I am so honored to be able to capture all the big moments that are happening in their lives! I truly can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl this summer! Here are a few of my favorites from their session! Enjoy!

I sure love photographing this beautiful couch from Peacocks and Peonies!

Broken Arrow Children's Photographer | Tatum | One

  I always love getting to photograph this family! We had a beautiful evening for a photo session. It was so cute to watch these sweet sisters interact and I love the shots we got of Tatum's big sister with her horse, Apple Jack. I can't believe that Tatum is already One! Here are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Lawrence Family | Family & Newborn Photographer

I made a quick trip down to Abilene to snap some family pictures for my brother in law and his sweet family since the arrival of their newest little babe, Bea. It was super fast but we managed to get a few pictures and a couple of newborn shots of Bea on her own. I'm just positive that I have the cutest nieces around! Here are just a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Jeff & Stephanie | Expecting | Maternity Photographer

  I took a little trip down to Abilene last week and was able to capture a few shots of my sweet college friends, Jeff and Stephanie, who are expecting their first baby next month! They live on a beautiful piece of West Texas land that was perfect for their pictures and for incorporating all of their animals. :) Here are a few of my favorites! Enjoy!

Mommy & Me Mini Sessions | Tulsa Photographer

  With Mother's day less than a month away are you trying to think of the perfect gift? I will be offering Mommy and Me mini sessions this May for a chance to give a gift that will last a lifetime. Perfect for mother's of all ages! For more information or to book your session email catielawrencephotography@gmail.com

Tulsa Senior Photographer | Tyler | Broken Arrow High School Senior

I enjoyed meeting Tyler and his parents downtown for his senior session last weekend. Tyler is a senior at Broken Arrow High School and will be heading off to OU in the fall. Here are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Tulsa Family Photographer | The Williams Family | Henry 3 months

Little signs of spring are popping up and I am so excited to be outside shooting again! This sweet family had perfect weather for their session. Three month old Henry was looking awfully dapper in his outfit! Here are a few of my favorites from our session. Enjoy!

Henry is a part of my baby plan program to find out more about it email catielawrencephotography@gmail.com